KINs´s development of the project

First, this project has to go through a revision process to refine ideas and set the limits in close collaboration with Kurz´s team. Then we will be able to adjust the scope and make the final edits to the project to present it for final approbation.

So that the whole project comes out smooth and perfect.

A project with which everyone is motivated
Selection and development
Graphic guidelines and assistance
Coordination between Kurz and us
Assistance for architecture and interior designs

El proyecto

The complete description, concept, graphic guidelines and business model to the Kurz Universe was developed by KIN.
He can develop a project that solves real problems in the most innovative way possible. This whole project has to be explained in a simple way so that production and execution are carried out as efficiently as possible.

Selection of materials for the Vniverz project

The Definitive Sample Book has to be a special and detailed selection of essential materials for a creator of the future. The experience that KIN has together with the design and conceptualization capacity of Demsky will bring together all the examples of Kurz in an incredible way.

We will separate by categories and by suggested use. We will be careful enough to identify the denmands of digital creators and architects in a perfect measure, It will be a universe that pays tribute to Kurz, his legacy and his essence that as regular users we believe we have identified and we believe we have the ability to synthesize all that and address it to the most creative minds today.

Demsky will also require help and collaboration in the creation and selection of materials for the production of the pieces.

Graphic guidelines

Vniverz® Project requires graphic design and guidelines both for kurz, for kurz designers and for us as artists. This aesthetic has to be developed to be applied throughout the project and must meet the highest current standards of graphic design. One part of this project is to promote and revitalize the communication and visualization of solutions through the pieces and well-applied graphic design.


Coordination between us and you. If the project requires it, we could coordinate the entire project. We would like to work with your departments to make everything flawlessly.


Every good project worth executing has to have a nerd sleeping under the desk, passionate and with incredible ideas that can be executed for the benefit of all.

Assistance for architecture and interior designs

The development and the production of any architecture and interior design has to be supervised and coordinated.